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SALARY : R294 321 – R420 402 per annum. The profitable candidate will be required
to signal a overall performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Midrand
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificates and a three yr National Diploma / Degree in Supply Chain
Management or applicable (equivalent) qualification at NQF stage 6 (360 credits)
as regarded by way of SAQA. A minimal of two years’ ride in Supply Chain
Management ideally in a demand administration and smooth administrative
environment. A legitimate driver‘s license. Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of
Public Service Policy Frameworks, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA),
Treasury Regulations, Supply Chain Management Regulations, notes,
circulars and associated prescripts. Computer Literacy: Communication skills.
Ability to work underneath strain and meet deadlines. Ability to work
independently besides supervision and to work nicely in a crew environment.
DUTIES : Develop the Demand Management Plans and procurement plans, make certain that
the bid advertisement, closing of bids and ebook of awards is conducted,
capture all awarded bids on a bid register and replace bid register, Monitor and
ensure the administration of validity of bids, Render advisory and secretariat
service to appointed Bid Specification and Bid Evaluation Committees, Arrange
and attend briefing sessions, Maintain a submitting machine for awarded bids,
Prepare submissions and reviews to Bid Committees, Provide furnish chain
advisory and guide offerings to the organization, Coordination of bid related
matters with quit customers and make sure that inside manipulate measures are adhered
to, Ensure compliance with Supply Chain Management and Treasury
Regulations and bids are inside the framework as prescribed by means of National
Treasury and preferential procurement coverage framework act, Management of
Human Resources i.e. job descriptions, overall performance agreements, appraisals
and improvement of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries: Ms. N Ntimane Tel No: (010) 493 2561
HR Related Enquiries: Mr. A Khadambi Tel No: (010) 493 2527

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